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Become a new SPRA Member or renew you SPRA Membership. South Patrick Residents Association Membership Dues are only $16 per year, and you do not have to be a homeowner to become a voting member. Donations are always appreciated in addition to annual membership dues. Residents also have the option of designating funds to a particular project in South Patrick Shores in which SPRA has an legitimate interest.
SPRA is always working to increase membership and participation by community members. Please complete the SPRA Annual Membership Form found below and either mail in the form to the PO Box address provided with your annual dues of $16.00, or you may choose to use our convenient PayPal link to pay your Membership Dues. Additional Donations to SPRA are always appreciated.
Thank you for your input and support.
Dues and Donations may be mailed:
PO Box 372357
Satellite Beach, FL 32937