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Have you ever found a dog or cat, or have you ever lost your own pet? Well, I have a system in place to help reunite pets with their owners! It is the Pet Emergency Notification System (PENS).
PENS is an email-based program. It requires residents to email me, letting me know they wish to be notified when a pet is lost or found in the SPRA area. By emailing me, the resident’s email address is provided to me. I add that email address to the PENS email address group. The email addresses are used only for the PENS group, nothing else! The email addresses are “blind copied” so no one sees the other participants’ email addresses.
Residents, who do not have an email address, can call me if they lose or find a pet. I take down the information and then send out the PENS email to participating members. The email provides the recipients with all details, a description of the pet and owner contact information.
This program requires only a one-time email to me from you, saying you wish to participate in the PENS program. There are no updates required (unless you change your email address or move out of the SPRA area), you just give 2 minutes of your time to send me an email or call me.
Here is an event where PENS was used: A SPRA-resident‘s pup slipped out the back door during his bath time. Needless to say, the dog did not have on a collar/tags since he was being bathed. I got a call from the owner; sent out a PENS email blast and within 2 hours the pup was located and reunited with its owner.
So, will you allow me to help you keep your pets safe? With “all of us” keeping our eyes and ears open, we CAN help reunite pets with their owners before it is too late. I’ve never lost a pet, but if I do, I want a way to let to my friends and neighbors know and ask that they be on the lookout for my beloved pet.
Please join the PENS program. You can email me at or call me at 321-777-0927.